Travel Diary: Snow in Delft | The Netherlands

It already feels like ages ago since I am writing this from my sunny balcony – that there was actually snow here in the Netherlands. Although it’s only been two weeks, the weather has changed dramatically and feels like spring now. Which is also amazing, but I don’t want to hold back those photos I took in Delft during the short real winter here in Holland.

Winter in Delft

Snow is not that special when you have lived in Southern Germany, where half a meter or even more is no exception during winter. But here in the Netherlands it definitely is, and I was very happy that there was snow this winter. Obviously I kinda missed it! After the trains not being able to run for almost a week, I was delighted that I actually could travel to Delft to visit a friend I hadn’t seen in quite a while. We decided to enjoy the weather by walking through the beautiful city center of Delft. We were not the only ones of course, as everybody wanted to enjoy the sunny winter day. There was even enough ice on the canals to go ice skating. I didn’t do that though, as I slipped earlier that week and was kinda done with ice at this point…

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Travel Diary: Snow in Delft | The Netherlands - winter delft 3

I decided to take my camera, because obviously, this is a unique opportunity to take photos in the snow. We walked through the city center, me not really paying attention to where we walked as Michelle has lived in Delft for some years and knew the way. So many nice shots, especially of the icy canals! It was actually a bit too light to take really good photos, but I was honestly happy about the sun as it would have been way too cold otherwise to stay outside for this long.

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Travel Diary: Snow in Delft | The Netherlands - winter delft 5

After some time of walking around, we decided to get a coffee to go and sit in the sun for a while, talking about live. It was good to do so, although we couldn’t stay too long before we got too cold. As we had seen most of the city center by this time, we decided to go back to Michelle’s to get warm and have dinner together before I take the train back home.

Travel Diary: Snow in Delft | The Netherlands - winter delft 1

Did you enjoy the winter as much as I did? Would love to see some photos, so feel free to drop a comment with your link below!

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